মডিউল:Navbar: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

1 revision imported
(১টি সংস্করণ আমদানি করা হয়েছে)
(1 revision imported)
৬৮ নং লাইন: ৬৮ নং লাইন:
['link'] = talkpage, ['url'] = false },
['link'] = talkpage, ['url'] = false },
{ ['mini'] = 'e', ['full'] = 'edit', ['html_title'] = 'Edit this template',
{ ['mini'] = 'e', ['full'] = 'edit', ['html_title'] = 'Edit this template',
['link'] = title:fullUrl('action=edit'), ['url'] = true },
['link'] = 'Special:EditPage/' .. title.fullText, ['url'] = false },
{ ['mini'] = 'h', ['full'] = 'hist', ['html_title'] = 'History of this template',
{ ['mini'] = 'h', ['full'] = 'hist', ['html_title'] = 'History of this template',
['link'] = title:fullUrl('action=history'), ['url'] = true },
['link'] = 'Special:PageHistory/' .. title.fullText, ['url'] = false },
{ ['mini'] = 'm', ['full'] = 'move', ['html_title'] = 'Move this template',
{ ['mini'] = 'm', ['full'] = 'move', ['html_title'] = 'Move this template',
['link'] = mw.title.new('Special:Movepage'):fullUrl('target='..title.fullText), ['url'] = true },
['link'] = mw.title.new('Special:Movepage'):fullUrl('target='..title.fullText), ['url'] = true },
বেনামী ব্যবহারকারী