এই মডিউলের জন্য মডিউল:Text/নথি-এ নথিপত্র তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকতে পারে
local yesNo = require("Module:Yesno") local Text = { serial = "2022-07-21", suite = "Text" } --[=[ Text utilities ]=] local function fiatQuote( apply, alien, advance ) -- Quote text -- Parameter: -- apply -- string, with text -- alien -- string, with language code -- advance -- number, with level 1 or 2 local r = apply and tostring(apply) or "" alien = alien or "en" advance = tonumber(advance) or 0 local suite local data = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data') local QuoteLang = data.QuoteLang local QuoteType = data.QuoteType local slang = alien:match( "^(%l+)-" ) suite = QuoteLang[alien] or slang and QuoteLang[slang] or QuoteLang["en"] if suite then local quotes = QuoteType[ suite ] if quotes then local space if quotes[ 3 ] then space = " " else space = "" end quotes = quotes[ advance ] if quotes then r = mw.ustring.format( "%s%s%s%s%s", mw.ustring.char( quotes[ 1 ] ), space, apply, space, mw.ustring.char( quotes[ 2 ] ) ) end else mw.log( "fiatQuote() " .. suite ) end end return r end -- fiatQuote() Text.char = function ( apply, again, accept ) -- Create string from codepoints -- Parameter: -- apply -- table (sequence) with numerical codepoints, or nil -- again -- number of repetitions, or nil -- accept -- true, if no error messages to be appended -- Returns: string local r = "" apply = type(apply) == "table" and apply or {} again = math.floor(tonumber(again) or 1) if again < 1 then return "" end local bad = { } local codes = { } for _, v in ipairs( apply ) do local n = tonumber(v) if not n or (n < 32 and n ~= 9 and n ~= 10) then table.insert(bad, tostring(v)) else table.insert(codes, math.floor(n)) end end if #bad > 0 then if not accept then r = tostring( mw.html.create( "span" ) :addClass( "error" ) :wikitext( "bad codepoints: " .. table.concat( bad, " " )) ) end return r end if #codes > 0 then r = mw.ustring.char( unpack( codes ) ) if again > 1 then r = r:rep(again) end end return r end -- Text.char() local function trimAndFormat(args, fmt) local result = {} if type(args) ~= 'table' then args = {args} end for _, v in ipairs(args) do v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v)) if v ~= "" then table.insert(result,fmt and mw.ustring.format(fmt, v) or v) end end return result end Text.concatParams = function ( args, apply, adapt ) -- Concat list items into one string -- Parameter: -- args -- table (sequence) with numKey=string -- apply -- string (optional); separator (default: "|") -- adapt -- string (optional); format including "%s" -- Returns: string local collect = { } return table.concat(trimAndFormat(args,adapt), apply or "|") end -- Text.concatParams() Text.containsCJK = function ( s ) -- Is any CJK code within? -- Parameter: -- s -- string -- Returns: true, if CJK detected s = s and tostring(s) or "" local patternCJK = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data').PatternCJK return mw.ustring.find( s, patternCJK ) ~= nil end -- Text.containsCJK() Text.removeDelimited = function (s, prefix, suffix) -- Remove all text in s delimited by prefix and suffix (inclusive) -- Arguments: -- s = string to process -- prefix = initial delimiter -- suffix = ending delimiter -- Returns: stripped string s = s and tostring(s) or "" prefix = prefix and tostring(prefix) or "" suffix = suffix and tostring(suffix) or "" local prefixLen = mw.ustring.len(prefix) local suffixLen = mw.ustring.len(suffix) if prefixLen == 0 or suffixLen == 0 then return s end local i = s:find(prefix, 1, true) local r = s local j while i do j = r:find(suffix, i + prefixLen) if j then r = r:sub(1, i - 1)..r:sub(j+suffixLen) else r = r:sub(1, i - 1) end i = r:find(prefix, 1, true) end return r end Text.getPlain = function ( adjust ) -- Remove wikisyntax from string, except templates -- Parameter: -- adjust -- string -- Returns: string local r = Text.removeDelimited(adjust,"<!--","-->") r = r:gsub( "(</?%l[^>]*>)", "" ) :gsub( "'''", "" ) :gsub( "''", "" ) :gsub( " ", " " ) return r end -- Text.getPlain() Text.isLatinRange = function (s) -- Are characters expected to be latin or symbols within latin texts? -- Arguments: -- s = string to analyze -- Returns: true, if valid for latin only s = s and tostring(s) or "" --- ensure input is always string local PatternLatin = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data').PatternLatin return mw.ustring.match(s, PatternLatin) ~= nil end -- Text.isLatinRange() Text.isQuote = function ( s ) -- Is this character any quotation mark? -- Parameter: -- s = single character to analyze -- Returns: true, if s is quotation mark s = s and tostring(s) or "" if s == "" then return false end local SeekQuote = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data').SeekQuote return mw.ustring.find( SeekQuote, s, 1, true ) ~= nil end -- Text.isQuote() Text.listToText = function ( args, adapt ) -- Format list items similar to mw.text.listToText() -- Parameter: -- args -- table (sequence) with numKey=string -- adapt -- string (optional); format including "%s" -- Returns: string return mw.text.listToText(trimAndFormat(args, adapt)) end -- Text.listToText() Text.quote = function ( apply, alien, advance ) -- Quote text -- Parameter: -- apply -- string, with text -- alien -- string, with language code, or nil -- advance -- number, with level 1 or 2, or nil -- Returns: quoted string apply = apply and tostring(apply) or "" local mode, slang if type( alien ) == "string" then slang = mw.text.trim( alien ):lower() else slang = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().pageLanguage if not slang then -- TODO FIXME: Introduction expected 2017-04 slang = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode() end end if advance == 2 then mode = 2 else mode = 1 end return fiatQuote( mw.text.trim( apply ), slang, mode ) end -- Text.quote() Text.quoteUnquoted = function ( apply, alien, advance ) -- Quote text, if not yet quoted and not empty -- Parameter: -- apply -- string, with text -- alien -- string, with language code, or nil -- advance -- number, with level 1 or 2, or nil -- Returns: string; possibly quoted local r = mw.text.trim( apply and tostring(apply) or "" ) local s = mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, 1 ) if s ~= "" and not Text.isQuote( s, advance ) then s = mw.ustring.sub( r, -1, 1 ) if not Text.isQuote( s ) then r = Text.quote( r, alien, advance ) end end return r end -- Text.quoteUnquoted() Text.removeDiacritics = function ( adjust ) -- Remove all diacritics -- Parameter: -- adjust -- string -- Returns: string; all latin letters should be ASCII -- or basic greek or cyrillic or symbols etc. local cleanup, decomposed local PatternCombined = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data').PatternCombined decomposed = mw.ustring.toNFD( adjust and tostring(adjust) or "" ) cleanup = mw.ustring.gsub( decomposed, PatternCombined, "" ) return mw.ustring.toNFC( cleanup ) end -- Text.removeDiacritics() Text.sentenceTerminated = function ( analyse ) -- Is string terminated by dot, question or exclamation mark? -- Quotation, link termination and so on granted -- Parameter: -- analyse -- string -- Returns: true, if sentence terminated local r local PatternTerminated = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data').PatternTerminated if mw.ustring.find( analyse, PatternTerminated ) then r = true else r = false end return r end -- Text.sentenceTerminated() Text.ucfirstAll = function ( adjust) -- Capitalize all words -- Arguments: -- adjust = string to adjust -- Returns: string with all first letters in upper case adjust = adjust and tostring(adjust) or "" local r = mw.text.decode(adjust,true) local i = 1 local c, j, m m = (r ~= adjust) r = " "..r while i do i = mw.ustring.find( r, "%W%l", i ) if i then j = i + 1 c = mw.ustring.upper( mw.ustring.sub( r, j, j ) ) r = string.format( "%s%s%s", mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, i ), c, mw.ustring.sub( r, i + 2 ) ) i = j end end -- while i r = r:sub( 2 ) if m then r = mw.text.encode(r) end return r end -- Text.ucfirstAll() Text.uprightNonlatin = function ( adjust ) -- Ensure non-italics for non-latin text parts -- One single greek letter might be granted -- Precondition: -- adjust -- string -- Returns: string with non-latin parts enclosed in <span> local r local data = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data') local PatternLatin = data.PatternLatin local RangesLatin = data.RangesLatin local NumLatinRanges = data.NumLatinRanges if mw.ustring.match( adjust, PatternLatin ) then -- latin only, horizontal dashes, quotes r = adjust else local c local j = false local k = 1 local m = false local n = mw.ustring.len( adjust ) local span = "%s%s<span dir='auto' style='font-style:normal'>%s</span>" local flat = function ( a ) -- isLatin local range -- NumLatinRanges has to be precomputed because # does not work from loadData for i = 1, NumLatinRanges do range = RangesLatin[ i ] if a >= range[ 1 ] and a <= range[ 2 ] then return true end end -- for i end -- flat() local focus = function ( a ) -- char is not ambivalent local r = ( a > 64 ) if r then r = ( a < 8192 or a > 8212 ) else r = ( a == 38 or a == 60 ) -- '&' '<' end return r end -- focus() local form = function ( a ) return string.format( span, r, mw.ustring.sub( adjust, k, j - 1 ), mw.ustring.sub( adjust, j, a ) ) end -- form() r = "" for i = 1, n do c = mw.ustring.codepoint( adjust, i, i ) if focus( c ) then if flat( c ) then if j then if m then if i == m then -- single greek letter. j = false end m = false end if j then local nx = i - 1 local s = "" for ix = nx, 1, -1 do c = mw.ustring.sub( adjust, ix, ix ) if c == " " or c == "(" then nx = nx - 1 s = c .. s else break -- for ix end end -- for ix r = form( nx ) .. s j = false k = i end end elseif not j then j = i if c >= 880 and c <= 1023 then -- single greek letter? m = i + 1 else m = false end end elseif m then m = m + 1 end end -- for i if j and ( not m or m < n ) then r = form( n ) else r = r .. mw.ustring.sub( adjust, k ) end end return r end -- Text.uprightNonlatin() Text.test = function ( about ) local r if about == "quote" then data = mw.loadData('Module:Text/data') r = { } r.QuoteLang = data.QuoteLang r.QuoteType = data.QuoteType end return r end -- Text.test() -- Non Unicode-aware version of mw.text.split and mw.text.gsplit -- based on [[phab:diffusion/ELUA/browse/master/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua]] -- These run up to 60 times faster than the Unicode-aware versions Text.split = function ( text, pattern, plain ) local ret = {} for m in Text.gsplit( text, pattern, plain ) do ret[#ret+1] = m end return ret end Text.gsplit = function ( text, pattern, plain ) local s, l = 1, string.len( text ) return function () if s then local e, n = string.find( text, pattern, s, plain ) local ret if not e then ret = string.sub( text, s ) s = nil elseif n < e then -- Empty separator! ret = string.sub( text, s, e ) if e < l then s = e + 1 else s = nil end else ret = e > s and string.sub( text, s, e - 1 ) or '' s = n + 1 end return ret end end, nil, nil end -- Export local p = { } for _, func in ipairs({'containsCJK','isLatinRange','isQuote','sentenceTerminated'}) do p[func] = function (frame) return Text[func]( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) and "1" or "" end end for _, func in ipairs({'getPlain','removeDiacritics','ucfirstAll','uprightNonlatin'}) do p[func] = function (frame) return Text[func]( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) end end function p.char( frame ) local params = frame:getParent().args local story = params[ 1 ] local codes, lenient, multiple if not story then params = frame.args story = params[ 1 ] end if story then local items = mw.text.split( mw.text.trim(story), "%s+" ) if #items > 0 then local j lenient = (yesNo(params.errors) == false) codes = { } multiple = tonumber( params[ "*" ] ) for _, v in ipairs( items ) do j = tonumber((v:sub( 1, 1 ) == "x" and "0" or "") .. v) table.insert( codes, j or v ) end end end return Text.char( codes, multiple, lenient ) end function p.concatParams( frame ) local args local template = frame.args.template if type( template ) == "string" then template = mw.text.trim( template ) template = ( template == "1" ) end if template then args = frame:getParent().args else args = frame.args end return Text.concatParams( args, frame.args.separator, frame.args.format ) end function p.listToFormat(frame) local lists = {} local pformat = frame.args["format"] local sep = frame.args["sep"] or ";" -- Parameter parsen: Listen for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do local knum = tonumber(k) if knum then lists[knum] = v end end -- Listen splitten local maxListLen = 0 for i = 1, #lists do lists[i] = mw.text.split(lists[i], sep) if #lists[i] > maxListLen then maxListLen = #lists[i] end end -- Ergebnisstring generieren local result = "" local result_line = "" for i = 1, maxListLen do result_line = pformat for j = 1, #lists do result_line = mw.ustring.gsub(result_line, "%%s", lists[j][i], 1) end result = result .. result_line end return result end function p.listToText( frame ) local args local template = frame.args.template if type( template ) == "string" then template = mw.text.trim( template ) template = ( template == "1" ) end if template then args = frame:getParent().args else args = frame.args end return Text.listToText( args, frame.args.format ) end function p.quote( frame ) local slang = frame.args[2] if type( slang ) == "string" then slang = mw.text.trim( slang ) if slang == "" then slang = false end end return Text.quote( frame.args[ 1 ] or "", slang, tonumber( frame.args[3] ) ) end function p.quoteUnquoted( frame ) local slang = frame.args[2] if type( slang ) == "string" then slang = mw.text.trim( slang ) if slang == "" then slang = false end end return Text.quoteUnquoted( frame.args[ 1 ] or "", slang, tonumber( frame.args[3] ) ) end function p.zip(frame) local lists = {} local seps = {} local defaultsep = frame.args["sep"] or "" local innersep = frame.args["isep"] or "" local outersep = frame.args["osep"] or "" -- Parameter parsen for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do local knum = tonumber(k) if knum then lists[knum] = v else if string.sub(k, 1, 3) == "sep" then local sepnum = tonumber(string.sub(k, 4)) if sepnum then seps[sepnum] = v end end end end -- sofern keine expliziten Separatoren angegeben sind, den Standardseparator verwenden for i = 1, math.max(#seps, #lists) do if not seps[i] then seps[i] = defaultsep end end -- Listen splitten local maxListLen = 0 for i = 1, #lists do lists[i] = mw.text.split(lists[i], seps[i]) if #lists[i] > maxListLen then maxListLen = #lists[i] end end local result = "" for i = 1, maxListLen do if i ~= 1 then result = result .. outersep end for j = 1, #lists do if j ~= 1 then result = result .. innersep end result = result .. (lists[j][i] or "") end end return result end function p.split(frame) local text = frame.args.text or frame.args[1] or '' local pattern = frame.args.pattern or frame.args[2] or '' local plain = yesNo(frame.args.plain or frame.args[3]) local index = tonumber(frame.args.index) or tonumber(frame.args[4]) or 1 local a = Text.split(text, pattern, plain) if index < 0 then index = #a + index + 1 end return a[index] end function p.failsafe() return Text.serial end p.Text = function () return Text end -- p.Text return p